The Little Fighter

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let's Play little fighter

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Little Fighter 2

improve your skilll

The Adventurer

let's Began....

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

skill lf2

   A = Attack.
   J = Jump.
   D = Defense.
   Strike - Catch enemy.
Basic abilities: 
Run - Right + Right.
Super Hit - Right + Right + A.
Catch enemy - A + A + A + walk towards the enemy.
Somersault - While falling on the ground + J.
Double Jump - J + J.
Energy Blast - D + right + A.
Strike - D + down + A.
Leap Attack - D + up + J + A.
Leap Attack 2 - Strike + J + A
Dashing Strafe - D + right + J.
JohnEnergy Blast - D + Right + A.
Energy Shield - D + Right + J.
Energy Disk - D + Up + A.
Heal (other) - D + up + J.
Heal (self) - D + down + J.
Shot - A.
Dragon Palm - D + Right + A.
Multiple Shot - D + J + A.
Critical Shot - D + Right + J.
Sonata Of The Death - D + Up + J.
RudolfNinja Star - A.
Leap Attack - D + Right + J.
Multiple Ninja Star - D + Right + A.
Transform - Strike + D + J + A.
Hide - D + Up + J.
Double - D + Down + J.
Thunder Punch - Right + Right + A.
Thunder Punch (jump) - Right + Right + J + A.
Thunder Kick - D + Right + J.
Whirlwind Throw - D + Up + J.
Phoenix Palm - D + Right + A.
Louis EX transformation - when you have 33% HP or less (Louis is bleeding), D + J + A
Fire Ball - D + Right + A.
Blaze - D + Right + J.
Inferno - D + Down + J.
Explosion - D + Up + J. 
Firzen Fusion - If firen and freeze are in the same team, and both of them have 33% HP or less (They are bleeding), make them run towards each other
Ice Blast - D + Right + A.
Sommon Sword - D + Down + J.
Icicle - D + Right + J.
Whirlwind - D + Up + J.
Firzen Fusion - If firen and freeze are in the same team, and both of them have 33% HP or less (They are bleeding), make them run towards each other
Energy Blast - D + Right + A ( + A + A...).
Shrafe - D + Down + A.
Chasing Blast - D + Up + A.
Whirlwind Kick - D + Right + J.
Flip Kick -
1) D + Up + A.
2) Run + A + A + A.
3) Strike + A + A + A.
Teleport (To friend) - d + Down + J.
Teleport (To enemy) - D + Up + J.
Turning Kick - D + Down + A.
Energy Blast - D + Right + A.
Tiger Dash - D + Right + J.
Leaf Attack - D + Up + J.
Energy Blast - D + Right + A.
Shrafe - D + Down + A.
Dragon Punch - D + Up + A.
Soul Punch - Right + Right + A.
Uppercut - D + Up + A.
Skull Blast - D + Right + A.
Mirror Image - D + J + A + J.
Soul Bomb - D + Right + J.
Big Bang - D + Up + J.
Firzen Cannon - D + Right + J.
Overwhelming Disaster - D + Up + A.
Polar Volcano - D + Up + J.
Louis EX
Thunder Punch - Right + Right + A.
Thunder Punch (jump) - Right + Right + J + A.
Phoenix Dance - D + Down + A.
Phoenix Palm - D + Right + A.
Speed Punch - D + Right + J.
Eye Laser - D + Right + A.
Summon Bats - D + Up + J.
JustinEnergy Blast - D + Right + A
Wolf Punch - D + Down + A ( + A + A...).
No abilities.
JenAngel's Blessing (group healing) - D + Up + J.
Devil's Judgment - D + Up + A.
MonkShaolin Punch - D + Right + A ( + A + A...).
Fire Ball - D + Right + A.
Ice Ball - D + Right + J.
Heal (other) - D + Up + J.
Heal (self) - D + Down + J.
JackFlash Kick - D + Up + A.
Energy Blast - D + Right + A.
Body Attack - D + Right + J.
Crash Punch - D + Right + A (+ A + A...).
 No abilities.

No abilities.
- All of the attacks can be used for both sides, right and left. In this guide only 'Right' is mentioned, for your comfort
- All the comboes start With D.
- Almost all the shots are activated by D + Right + A.
- Important! You don't need to press all buttons at once to perform attack. It is recommended to press the buttons one at a time.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

cara memberikan template sebuah skill



Ada beberapa software yang dibutuhkan yaitu:
lf2 data changer pack : ini linknya
Lf2 pastinya : cari di om google

1.    Pertama kau harus mendownload lf2 data changer dan aplikasi lf2

2.    Setelah didownload kamu install deh itu lf2
3.    Lalu buka folder lf2

4.    Setelah itu buka folder “data”

5.    Lalu klik kanan pada file bernama “template”
6.    Lalu klik “open with”
7.    Lalu cari dimana lf2 data changer kamu taruh setelah didownload [saya sarankan pakai “Jiqueras Data Changer” dan pilih DC v1.5 (updated) ]
8.    Setelah terbuka akan muncul jendela seperti ini :

9.    Penjelasan tentang itu ada di sini
10. Setelah selesai dan mengerti kamu sudah bisa mengubah data diatas
11.  Kalau tidak mau repot COPAS saja data jurus template saya :

<frame> 235 disaster
   pic: 0  state: 3  wait: 3  next: 236  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 mp: 50
      kind: 1  x: 33  y: 45  weaponact: 21  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 21  y: 18  w: 43  h: 62
      kind: 0  x: 40  y: -2  w: 41  h: 51  dvx: 5  dvy: -12  fall: 70  arest: 15  bdefend: 60  injury: 100 effect: 3
      kind: 1  x: 38  y: -9  action: 50  dvx: 5  dvy: -5  oid: 221  facing: 20

<frame> 236 disaster
   pic: 1  state: 3  wait: 3  next: 237  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 38  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 33  y: 47  weaponact: 21  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 21  y: 18  w: 43  h: 62
      kind: 0  x: 40  y: -2  w: 41  h: 51  dvx: 5  dvy: -12  fall: 70  arest: 15  bdefend: 60  injury: 100 effect: 2 
      kind: 1  x: 38  y: -9  action: 50  dvx: 5  dvy: -5  oid: 221  facing: 21

<frame> 237 disaster
   pic: 2  state: 3  wait: 3  next: 238  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 32  y: 45  weaponact: 21  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 21  y: 18  w: 43  h: 62
      kind: 0  x: 40  y: -2  w: 41  h: 51  dvx: 5  dvy: -12  fall: 70  arest: 15  bdefend: 60  injury: 100 effect: 3 
      kind: 1  x: 38  y: -9  action: 50  dvx: 5  dvy: -5  oid: 221  facing: 20

<frame> 238 disaster
   pic: 3  state: 3  wait: 3  next: 999  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 32  y: 44  weaponact: 21  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0
      kind: 0  x: 21  y: 18  w: 43  h: 62
      kind: 0  x: 40  y: -2  w: 41  h: 51  dvx: 5  dvy: -12  fall: 70  arest: 15  bdefend: 60  injury: 100 effect: 2 
      kind: 1  x: 38  y: -9  action: 50  dvx: 5  dvy: -5  oid: 221  facing: 21
12.  Setelah di COPAS masukkan ke data template kamu
13.  Lalu ketik di samping “hit_j: 0” di setiap nomornya begini : hit_Fa: 235
14.  Selesai deh mainkan lf2 dan kamu akan mendapatkan 1 jurus dari template